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Kaleidoscope Pet Services
Pet Sitting, Livestock Care, Dog Training
Kaleidoscope Pet Services provides quality, loving, pet sitting services, Animal Behavior College certified dog training in your home, and experienced livestock care.
P.O. Box 613
El Dorado, CA 95623
Critter Sitters
Critter Sitters
Local dog owners will have another option for pet housing at Critter Sitters, a new boarding kennel in Cascabel that offers dogs a safe, comfortable environment that's also fun and interactive.
6201 N Cascabel Rd
Benson, AZ 85602

  • Services
  • House Calls Petsitting
    House Calls Pet Sitting Framingham, MA
    House Calls Pet Sitting serves the towns of Ashland, Framingham, Holliston, Sherborn & West Natick. If you are looking for a professional pet sitter for your dog, cat, bird, horse, hamster or fish
    Post Box 113
    Sherborn, MA 01770

  • About us

  • Services
  • House Calls Pet Sitting Framingham, MA
    Your Pet's Nanny Charlotte area pet sitters services
    Pet Services Overview Pet sitting, dog walking, birds, domestic pets, exotic pets, fish, crate break, midday dog walk, house watch, waste cleanup, customized visits to suit your needs
    6611 Reafield Drive apt # 8
    Charlotte, NC 28226

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  • Prices
  • Your Pet's Nanny Charlotte area pet sitters services
    We provide Pet Sitting Service in Ronkonkoma, NY
    67 Richmond Blvd.
    Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
    The Animal's Kingdom Pet Sitting Service, Inc.
    Jennifer Cignoni
    Pet Sitting Service
    5054 E High St, Suite 335
    Scottsdale, AZ 85054
    Unka Lynnee's Skool 4 Dogs
    Unka Lynnee's Skool 4 Dogs
    We Provides Pet Sitting Services in Paris
    23 Rue Victor Masse
    Paris, 75009
    Dancing With Dogs Pet Care
    Pet Care Hudson WI
    Dancing With Dogs offers high quality, eco-friendly pet care in the Hudson, WI area. Some service options are dog walking, house sitting, pet sitting, cat visits, general pet care, and dog training. Please visit the website for more info, Thanks!
    PO Box 183
    Hudson, WI 54016
    Pet Care Hudson WI
    At Home Pet Sitting San Francisco
    Pet Sitting
    Pets are most comfortable when they are able to be in their own surroundings with familiar sights, sounds and smells. Hiring a pet sitter will allow your pet to stay at home and sleep and play in their favorite spots. This will reduce the stress that your animal will feel when you are out of town.
    4725 Balboa
    San Francisco, CA 94121

  • Rates & Services

  • Testimonials
  • Pet Sitting
    Healthy Hounds
    Frank Affrunti
    In home pet sitting and dog walking. Avoid the unnecessary stress of removing your pets from the environment they are accustomed to. Come home to happy pets that have been nourished with love. References available upon request. Bonded and Insured. Call 424-WALK.
    P.O. Box 1573
    Boise, ID 83701
    Furry Friends Pet Sitting
    Personal and Professional Pet Care
    Providing personal pet care in your home where your pets are more comfortable. Less stress on your pets means less stress on you.
    348 Nichols Rd
    Barre, MA 01005

  • Holistic Pet Programs

  • Pet Business Opportunity

  • Services & Rates
  • Personal and Professional Pet Care
    Dreamweaver Concierge
    Your Arizona Pet Concierge - Offering In-Home Pet Sitting and Services
    While you're away, let us stay! Daily visits, overnight stays, pet transportation, wait services, pet travel arrangements. We make your time away from your pet a holiday for you both.
    20118 N 67th Avenue
    Glendale, AZ 85308
    Your Arizona Pet Concierge - Offering In-Home Pet Sitting and Services
    pet nanny pet sitting by rebecca
    Pet Sitting Service, FL
    pet nanny pet sitting by rebecca
    1350 bladon ave
    deltona, FL 32738
    Pet Sitting Service, FL
    Fetch Me Dog Walking Service
    Fetch Me Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services
    Dog Walking services include walking, back yard play time, feeding, refilling of water bowls, and pet clean-up. Local walks, and or trips to local dog park with appropriate timing package. Additionally, if you are away, I will bring in your mail, newspaper and water your plants. Overnite care, in your Home
    P.O. Box 1106
    San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
    Fetch Me Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Services
    Lexington Area Pet Sitting
    Belvie Gilleland
    Pet Sitting Service
    10 Eastview Dr.
    Lexington, NC 27292
    TAKA Dog Walk
    TAKA Dog Walk
    Specializing in individual custom dog walks, play time, and cat sitting. Private in home boarding. Exclusive loving pet care services at affordable rates. Insured and bonded professionals.
    845 Blvd. East
    Weehawken, NJ 07086
    TAKA Dog Walk
    Providing tender loving care pet services while you are away. Midday walks, vacations, emergency coverage seven days a week. Family run. Same pet sitter for every visit and outstanding references. We treat your pet like one of the family!
    1117 Edington Lane
    Carol Stream , IL 60188
    Dogwalker Etc LLC
    Pet Sitting Service, HI
    If you work long hours or you're going away on vacation, leave your pet in the care of a trustworthy sitter who will ensure your pet is happy and healthy in the safety of your own home.
    3019 woolsey pl
    honolulu, HI 96822

  • Services
  • Pet Sitting Service, HI
    Trailblazing Tails Los Angeles
    Trailblazing Tails Los Angeles
    Our Mission is to help keep your loved ones healthy and happy by physically tiring them and positively stimulating their mind on every run!
    4014 1/2 Brunswick Ave
    Los Angeles, CA 90039
    Trailblazing Tails Los Angeles
    Pampered Pet Sitting
    Pet Sitting Serving All of the Saddleback Valley, Tustin, Irvine
    Over the years we have had the responsibility and care of literally hundreds of animals, including the birthing of over 200 litters. Daily tasks included the administering of shots, medications, bathing, grooming and general maintenance of the health and well being of the animal.

  • Fees

  • About us
  • Pet Sitting Serving All of the Saddleback Valley, Tustin, Irvine
    The Sentient Pet, LLC
    The Sentient Pet, Professional Pet Sitting Services for Animal Companions and their Humans
    The Sentient Pet offers in-home pet sitting for cats, dogs and other small critters. We service our neighbors in John's Landing, Fulton Park, Burlingame, South Waterfront, Sellwood, West Moreland, Lake Oswego and Multnomah County.
    5331 SW Macadam Ave. Ste. 258-330
    Portland, OR 97239
    The Sentient Pet, Professional Pet Sitting Services for Animal Companions and their Humans
    Wonder Dog Training
    Wonder Dog Training
    We are serving San Diego and Southwestern Riverside Counties for more than a decade. We only use dog-friendly methods that are easy to learn and use. Training is fun, fast, and effective.Our services include: private training in your home, group classes, boarding and pet sitting, dog walking, leash training, and board and train.
    PO Box 7845
    San Marcos, CA 92069
    Wonder Dog Training
    Sheila's Zoo Pet-Sitting Service
    Zoo Pet Sitting Service, NC
    Pet sitters do much more than provide your pet with food and water while you're away from home. A good pet sitter also spends quality time with your pet, gives him exercise, and knows how to tell if your pet needs veterinary attention.
    PO Box 2162
    Welcome, NC 27374

  • About us

  • Zoo Pet Sitting Service, NC
    Pam's Pet Sitting Service
    Pam's Pet Sitting Service
    We provide Pet Sitting Service at Wilmington, DE
    218 Lower Oak Street
    Wilmington, DE 19805
    Safe Tails
    Kathie Michaels
    Pet Sitting Service
    PO BOX 30552
    Nashville, TN 37201
    Kathie Michaels
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